English Grammar Rules : Adverb

English Grammar Rules : Adverbs

Adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb. Adverb is an important part of speech. Knowledge of Adverb is very important for the understanding of the English Language. Here, we bring to you a list of types and important rules of adverbs which will help you in the English section in your various upcoming examinations.


Adverb is the part of speech that provides the additional information about some verb and adjective.

क्रिया की विशेषता बताने वाले शब्द को क्रियाविशेषण कहते है।


Simple Adverb- These are further divided into the following kinds of adverbs.

Interrogative Adverbs – Adverbs, which are used to ask questions, are called Interrogate Adverbs.

ऐसे Adverbs,जिनका प्रयोग प्रश्न पूछ्ने के लिए किया जाता है Interrogative Adverbs कहलाते है  

Relative Adverbs- Such Adverbs, which connects two sentences, are called Relative Adverbs, such as when, where, why

ऐसे Adverbs, जो दो वाक्यों को जोडते है Relative Adverbs कहलाते है जैसे- when, where, why .

  • Adverbs of time
  •  Adverbs of place
  • Adverbs of Number/ Frequency
  • Adverbs of manner
  • Adverbs of quantity

i)Adverbs of time (कालवाचक क्रिया विषेशण)- The Adverbs which gives the information about time is called as Adverb of time.

कालवाचक क्रिया विषेशण से यह पता चलता है कि काम किस समय हो रहा है , उसे कालवाचक क्रिया विषेशण कहते है।

Adverbs of time (Simple Adverbs)- Today, yesterday, last week, next month, lately, shortly, at present, already, early, ago, ETC.

Adverbs of time (Interrogative and Relative Adverbs)- When, how long, ETC

Example- I am going to home now. (अब मैं घर के लिए जा रहा हूँ)

ii) Adverbs of place (स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण)- The Adverbs which gives the information about place is called as Adverb of Place.

स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण मे स्थान को सूचित करते है, उसे स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण कहते है।

Adverbs of place (Simple Adverbs) Here, There, up, down, everywhere, in, out, somewhere, inside, outside Etc.

Adverbs of place (Interrogative and Relative Adverbs)- Where, from where Etc

Example- Rina is going outside रीना बाहर जा रही है।

iii) Adverbs of Number/ Frequency (Simple Adverbs)-Once, twice, thrice, always, never, seldom, often, scarcely, rarely Etc.

Adverbs of Number/ Frequency (Interrogative and Relative Adverbs)- How many times, how often Etc.

iv) Adverbs of manner (रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण)- This adverb describes the quality of an activity being done, it is known as Adverbs of Manner.

रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण से यह पता चलता है कि काम किस प्रकार से हुआ, उसे रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण कहते है।

Example- Swati Works Hard.

Adverbs of manner (Simple Adverbs)- carefully, beautifully, critically, fluently, fast, seriously, clearly Etc.

Adverbs of manner (Interrogative and Relative Adverbs)- Who, in, what, way Etc.

v) Adverbs of quantity (परिमाणवाचक क्रिया विषेशण)- The Adverbs which gives the information about quantity is called as Adverb of Place.

परिमाणवाचक क्रिया विषेशण मे परिमाण को सूचित करते है, उसे स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण कहते है।

Example- I have more money.

Adverbs of quantity (Simple Adverbs)- Very, much, quite, enough, too, completely, wholly, fairly, partially Etc.

Adverbs of quantity (Interrogative and Relative Adverbs)- How much, how far, to what extent Etc.

♦Some Important Rules

Rule 1-

Adverb के पहले सामान्यत: Preposition का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है

Rule 2-

Adverb of Quantity का प्रयोग सामान्यत: उस शब्द के पहले होता है जिसकी विशेषता ये बताते है

जैसे- quite cool, very bad.

Rule 3-

Always, often, seldom, never, just, ever, usually, hardly आदि Adverbs का प्रयोग मुख्य verb के पहले होता है,

Rule 4-

Adverb of place/time/mannerका प्रयोग सामान्यत: वाक्य के अंत में या object के बाद होता है, लेकिन, यदि object के बाद who/which/that के clause का प्रयोग हो तो Adverb of manner का प्रयोग object के पहले होता है

Quiz Based On Adverb

(1)I met her (a) / about ten years ago (b)  / and have remembered her (c)  / ever for (d) / No Error (e)

(2) From the(a)/ garden the(b)/ cat ran in the house(c)/No Error.(d)

(3) History and Quant (a) / are more easier than (b) / Geography and Social Studies. (c) / No error (d)

(4) She was (a)  / hardly-hit (b)  / by her (c)  / father’s death  (d)  / No Error (e)

(5) A man entered the tavern (a) / and asked for some (b)/ bread and cheese (c) / with a decided foreign accent (d) / No error (e)


(1)D. Replace ‘for’ with ‘since’.                                         

(2) C. Replace ‘In’ with ‘Into’.

(3) D. Remove ‘more’ Double comparatives are not used

(4) B. Replace ‘hardly’ with ‘hard’.

(5) D. Replace ‘decided’ by ‘decidedly’

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